If you would like more information on why the North Carolina ABC System should stay the way it is please visit:
The following organizations “support keeping the control system for the sale of liquor in place and believe that privatization of liquor will lead to many adverse effects” — Christian Action League; NC Family Policy Council; NC Association of Chiefs of Police; NC Police Benevolent Association; North Carolina State Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police; Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD); NC Association of Local Health Directors; NC Public Health Association; National Association of Social Workers North Carolina Chapter; NC Society for Clinical Social Work; North Carolina Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators; NC Substance Abuse Prevention Providers Association; NC Substance Use Disorder Federation; Addiction Professionals of NC; NC Alcohol Policy Alliance; Alcohol/Drug Council of NC; Recovery Communities of North Carolina; NC Association of ABC Boards and NC ABC Law Enforcement Officers Association.